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Selena Group awarded at the Economic Forum in Karpacz

Selena Group has won Wroclaw Mayor’s Socially Responsible Business Award for 2023. The company was recognised for supporting charitable initiatives and the involvement of its employees in campaigns that respond to current challenges. The award was presented during the 32nd Economic Forum in Karpacz. In addition, during the event, Selena received a statuette in the “The Most Reliable in Polish Economy” ranking of the ISBnews agency.

During another edition of the Economic Forum in Karpacz, Selena Group, which has its roots in Wrocław and has been operating on international markets for over 30 years, received the Socially Responsible Business Award from Wrocław Mayor Jacek Sutryk in recognition of its activities benefiting local and employee communities. Companies as BASF and BY Mellon were also awarded. As Sutryk stressed, socially responsible business plays a key role in the development of cities. The awarded companies are examples of entities proving that it is possible to achieve both business and social success by acting for the benefit of the people who live around them, for the benefit of the community. On behalf of Selena Group, the award was received by the CEO Sławomir Majchrowski.

Wrocław Mayor’s Socially Responsible Business Award was first conferred during the Economic Forum in 2021. It goes to companies that care about local communities and the comfort of work and life of their employees, and whose activities are an inspiration for other corporations operating in Lower Silesia.

It is an honor and privilege for us that our actions – which we always undertake following a in-depth needs analysis – have been noted and recognized. We regularly support various institutions, foundations and charity campaigns, donating not only money, but also our construction chemicals. We also get engaged in initiatives that particularly reverberate among the public at large. Supporting those campaigns is key from the point of view of values that are important to the entire team of Selena Group,” said Sławomir Majchrowski, CEO of Selena Group.

Selena Group has been operating in Wrocław for over 30 years and takes an active part in various corporate social responsibility initiatives. In 2022, the company was awarded in the Polish Economy Crystal competition in the “Responsible Business” category for its efforts to promote sustainable construction and mitigate climate change. In recent years, Selena has focused on supporting Ukraine, especially during the first months of 2022, and fighting the Covid-19 pandemic. In the latter case, the company diversified its product portfolio and marketed a hand sanitizer, a product that was in scarce supply at that time, which directly contributed to increasing the health and safety of the society. The Group also cooperated with various foundations, provided charity support to those in need, and helped its employees and their families to deal with difficult moments in their lives. For years, employees have played a major role in the company’s social responsibility initiatives, often proactively undertaking “grassroots” efforts in this area.

The award received acknowledges all Selena employees who oftentimes proactively offer help where it is needed. Such employee initiatives include for example a fundraiser to buy an expensive medicine for our Kazakh employee’s daughter suffering from cancer and arranging financial help for Ukrainians fleeing the war. For several years, our people have also participated in the Corporate Run to help children from the Everest Foundation. By helping others, by giving ourselves, we all create something valuable and change someone’s life for the better,” Majchrowski added.

The company also recognized talents excelling in scientific, sports and cultural areas. In addition, in 2023, on the Group’s initiative, the Osobowicki Forest in Wrocław was enriched with 1,000 new trees – sycamore clones. The new plantings occupied an area of one quarter of a hectare, which in future will allow the production of around one hundred and forty kilograms of oxygen per day.With all those projects, whether local or global, Selena contributes positively to the development of responsible business.

Also, during the Economic Forum, the ISBnews agency presented Krzysztof Domarecki, the founder and main shareholder of Selena, with “The Most Reliable in Polish Economy” award. The award from ISBnews is intended to honor companies and institutions operating with transparency and honesty towards customers and partners, while embracing the principles of corporate social responsibility. This was the fourth edition of the ranking organized by the agency’s journalists.

fot. Bartosz Chochołowski,

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