Investor relations

Contact for Investors
Magdalena Anna Iwaniec
Magdalena Anna Iwaniec
Management Board Office Director


As at 12.05.2023

By number of votes

Syrius Investments S.a.r.l. *

81.29% (21 813 000 votes)

Own shares ***

4.45% (1 194 834 votes)

Powszechne Towarzystwo Emerytalne Allianz Polska S.A.**

5.47% (1 468 016 votes)

Other shareholders

8.79% (2 358 150 votes)

* a 100% subsidiary of Mr Krzysztof Domarecki
** Managing jointly Allianz OFE, Allianz DFE and Drugi Allianz OFE
*** The voting right from own shares held by the Company may not be exercised in accordance with Art. 364 § 2 of the Commercial Companies Code

By number of shares

Syrius Investments S.a.r.l. *

78.01% (17 813 000 shares)

Own shares

5.23% (1 194 834 shares)

Powszechne Towarzystwo Emerytalne Allianz Polska S.A.**

6.43% (1 468 016 shares)

Other shareholders

10.33% (2 358 150 shares)

* a 100% subsidiary of Mr Krzysztof Domarecki
** Managing jointly Allianz OFE, Allianz DFE and Drugi Allianz OFE


Syrius Investments S.a.r.l. *
Series of shares
Number of votes
8 000 000
Shareholding by number of votes
29.81 %
Shareholding by number of shares
4 000 000
Syrius Investments S.a.r.l. *
Series of shares
Number of votes
13 588 000
Shareholding by number of votes
50.64 %
Shareholding by number of shares
13 588 000
Syrius Investments S.a.r.l. *
Series of shares
Number of votes
225 000
Shareholding by number of votes
0.84 %
Shareholding by number of shares
225 000
Series of shares
Number of votes
136 000
Shareholding by number of votes
0.51 %
Shareholding by number of shares
136 000
Powszechne Towarzystwo Emerytalne Allianz Polska S.A.**
Series of shares
Number of votes
1 468 016
Shareholding by number of votes
5.47 %
Shareholding by number of shares
1 468 016
The public offering
Series of shares
Number of votes
2 112 150
Shareholding by number of votes
7.87 %
Shareholding by number of shares
2 112 150
The public offering
Series of shares
Number of votes
110 000
Shareholding by number of votes
0.41 %
Shareholding by number of shares
110 000
Own shares***
Series of shares
Number of votes
1 194 834
Shareholding by number of votes
4.45 %
Shareholding by number of shares
1 194 834
Zobacz więcej
Series of shares Shareholder structure (above 5%) Number of votes Shareholding by number of votes Shareholding by number of shares
A Syrius Investments S.a.r.l. * 8 000 000 29.81 % 4 000 000
B Syrius Investments S.a.r.l. * 13 588 000 50.64 % 13 588 000
C Syrius Investments S.a.r.l. * 225 000 0.84 % 225 000
B Remainder 136 000 0.51 % 136 000
C Powszechne Towarzystwo Emerytalne Allianz Polska S.A.** 1 468 016 5.47 % 1 468 016
C The public offering 2 112 150 7.87 % 2 112 150
D The public offering 110 000 0.41 % 110 000
C Own shares*** 1 194 834 4.45 % 1 194 834
* a 100% subsidiary of Mr Krzysztof Domarecki
** Managing jointly Allianz OFE, Allianz DFE and Drugi Allianz OFE
** The voting right from own shares held by the Company may not be exercised in accordance with Art. 364 § 2 of the Commercial Companies Code
The share capital of the Issuer creates 22 834 000 shares, including:
4 000 000
shares of series A preference shares (2 votes for one share)
13 724 000
series B ordinary shares
5 000 000
series C ordinary shares
110 000
series D ordinary shares
The nominal value of each share of the Issuer is PLN 0.05.