The Portuguese anti-trust authority has not objected to the acquisition of Imperalum by Selena Group. In this way, the global manufacturer and distributor of construction chemicals from Poland has taken over control over 100% of the company’s capital and voting rights. The transaction will expand Selena Group’s product offer of bituminous membranes.
On August 31 this year, Selena Group announced that it had finalized the acquisition of the Portuguese company Imperalum, a maker of bituminous membranes (commonly known as roofing felt) modified with APP – atactic polypropylene – for a high softening point. The agreement was signed following the absence of any objection from the Portuguese anti-trust authority. Selena took control over 100% of the capital and voting rights. As a result, it complemented its own range of roofing felt and liquid waterproofing products and strengthened its Waterproofing division in Western Europe. Like the recent start of strategic collaboration with Masterplast, a Hungarian manufacturer of glass wool, the deal is part of implementation of Selena Group’s priorities under its development strategy.
“I’d like to give a warm welcome to our new colleagues from Imperalum who are joining Selena Group. I’m happy that they are becoming part of Selena, a stable company that has been successfully operating in the construction chemicals industry for 30 years. The strengthening of our Group by taking Imperalum staff on board and benefiting from their experience and achievements, allows us to deliver our long-term strategy of international expansion based on both acquisitions and organic growth,” says Sławomir Majchrowski, CEO of Selena Group. “I’d like to emphasize that our portfolio now features the strong, well-known brand that has been operating on the Portuguese market since late 1960s”.
For Selena’s customers and partners, the acquisition means expanding the portfolio of products and adds to the offering of Matizol, a roofing brand owned by Selena Group since 2010. In addition, Selena is strengthening its role in the waterproofing segment and in other product groups in Portugal, with the ambition to become a leading international player that creates value for European customers. The increase in production capacity, but above all the acquisition of a group of new experts and a brand recognizable on the Portuguese market, ensures that the Group will be even better positioned to respond to industry market trends.
Imperalum, oprócz pap, produkuje również emulsje bitumiczne, a także sprzedaje izolacje akustyczne, termoizolacje i inne produkty dostosowane do wymagań lokalnego rynku. Produkowane przez Imperalum papy plastomeryczne zapewniają wysoką stabilność powierzchni i mogą być stosowane na dachach o różnym spadku, a nawet na powierzchniach pionowych. Rozwiązania tej spółki stosowane są na licznych obiektach w Portugalii, a także w Hiszpanii: na stadionach piłkarskich, centrach handlowych, sklepach wielkopowierzchniowych, mostach, lotniskach i innych budynkach użyteczności publicznej.