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Selena’s technological innovations at the Impact’16 Congress

On 15-16 June, the ICE Cracow Congress Centre is hosting the Impact’16 Congress. This year’s edition of the event is […]

On 15-16 June, the ICE Cracow Congress Centre is hosting the Impact’16 Congress. This year’s edition of the event is held under the title “4.0 Economy” – experts, representatives of business and politics will debate the meaning of 4.0 Economy and the form it may take in our country. Modern technologies based on scientific inventions are increasingly making their way into the business world. The economy has no option but to claim them for its own use – civilisation would not progress without such solutions. The Fourth Industrial Revolution requires the business to have a wide perspective and to be open to modern technologies that make their presence not only in the economic sector, but also in the world of media or arts. Such synergies power the progress and development of the modern society.


At the congress, Selena is going to present two inventions that are the outcomes of the marriage between business and science. The result of the cooperation between Selena Group and its external partners is NoEM Electro Protector – the word’s first product that affords protection against low-frequency electric fields. The technology has also won global recognition as it received the Golden Medal in the category of “Environmental Protection – Energy” at the International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva. In addition, Selena’s labs are working on in-house solutions. The work has yielded the other of the two products presented at the congress: Cool-R, a hydro-insulation shield, which is highly reflective and waterproof. This innovative product is new to Selena’s portfolio – it reduces temperature below the roof while ensuring that the roof is fully water-tight.

Krzysztof Domarecki at IMPACT '16

“The modern business may not operate in isolation from other parts of the surrounding world – the economy, media and even arts are nowadays inextricably interconnected by modern technologies.Technology brings together the aspects of life that have thus far existed in separation. Today, such lone islands have disappeared – for this reason, the underlying theme of this congress will be the fourth economic revolution. The business operating as a part of the revolution requires proper skills and a wide perspective that goes far beyond the segment in which the company carries on its activities. This is why Selena does not act in isolation from the world, and its R&D teams cooperate with the leading scientists. Such an approach gives rise to knowledge sharing that accelerates development of modern products for construction” – said Krzysztof Domarecki, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Selena FM S.A., the parent company of Selena Group.

Kongres Impact’16

One of the objectives of the Impact’16 Congress is to facilitate free exchange of ideas between representatives of many areas of life. The event creates a platform of understanding for entrepreneurs, start-up owners, scientists, investors from the private and public sector, representatives of incubators, science and technology parks, representatives of the government and local authorities and representatives of the media and arts. The congress is to ensure an opportunity to establish contacts and build lasting relationships.

The subjects discussed at Impact’16 are centred around global technological, social and economic transformation coming in the wake of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. The purpose of the congress is to debate the impact of these factors on the Polish economy and the economies of other CEE countries, as well as to identify opportunities and challenges for entrepreneurship as part of 4.0 Economy.

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