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Selena SA named Construction Company of the Year for the seventh time

Selena SA, a company from Selena Group – one of the leading producers and distributors of construction chemicals and owner […]

Selena SA, a company from Selena Group – one of the leading producers and distributors of construction chemicals and owner of the TYTAN brand – has received the Construction Company of the Year statuette for the seventh time. At the same time, Andrzej Ulfig, the CEO of Selena SA, was honoured with the Personality of the Year title, which is awarded to the most effective managers in the industry. The awards were granted by the Programme Council, chaired by Professor Leonard Runkiewicz. In addition to trading performance, the award criteria included innovativeness of the products and services offered, reliability and stability of the business and achievements vs. competitors.

It was the sixteenth time that the titles of the Construction Company of the Year and the Personality of the Year were awarded. They award is granted to both manufacturers and suppliers as well as developers, designers and contractors. One of the main ideas behind the competition is to disseminate good practices and to identify those companies that became conspicuous for their effective management and market successes in the previous year.

Personality of the Year title for Andrzej Ulfig, the CEO of Selena SA.jpg“We welcome this award with great joy. It’s a sign of recognition for our work during the whole year. One of our key achievements in 2018 is that the increase in the prices of raw materials was not passed onto the market. At the same time, we maintained the quality of our products, which was also appreciated by our customers. What I consider a success is the hard work of my team during the year. I appreciate the involvement of employees in all projects and I hope that in 2019 we will continue to develop and will tackle even greater challenges. Our achievements also include Selena’s participation in socially important programmes, such as Metamorphoses, a programme connected with revitalisation of Polish cities, and 4YoungEngineers, a programme for young engineers. Such projects are not only an opportunity for us to grow, but also a great investment into the future of the industry”, said Andrzej Ulfig, the CEO of Selena SA.

Andrzej Ulfig has been managing Selena SA since 2005. In 2009, he was appointed its CEO. Over this time, Selena’s leading brand – Tytan Professional – has become one of the strongest construction brands in Poland and has achieved a leading position in many product categories.



Construction Company of the Year statuette for Selena SA.jpg“Introducing new products into the market, including several innovations, is always a reason for satisfaction, especially if they can improve or replace traditional solutions. Such products include, for example, foam adhesives, which find many applications in construction works. Contractors increasingly often use foam adhesives to replace mortars or to bond large building elements such as plasterboards, or as an important component of insulation systems. Our last year’s novelty – the tile adhesives, combining the strength of double fibres and the elasticity of gel – merits special attention. Our success as a manufacturer is to provide tradesmen with products that meet high quality, technical and environmental requirements and, above all, have a measurable impact on the speed and efficiency of work”Andrzej Ulfig adds.

Selena Group has been on the market for 25 years. It has over 30 companies in 17 countries and 17 production plants. Its success is underpinned by the work of nearly 1800 people, including 700 employed in Poland. It is the only Polish brand in the construction chemicals sectors that sells products in 70 countries on four continents. Depending on the product group, Selena’s market share ranges from several percent to nearly forty percent. At present, it is one of the third largest manufacturers of polyurethane foam in the world.

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