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Selena introduces an innovative product category

Selena Group has been for many years very active in the area of R&D, delivering solutions that redefine the way […]

Selena Group has been for many years very active in the area of R&D, delivering solutions that redefine the way construction projects are done. Selena’s R&D centres in Poland, Spain, Turkey and China tap into the organisation’s experience and knowledge gained in close cooperation with local market professionals from many countries. This strategy has resulted in implementation of the innovative FOAM ADHESIVE (FOAD) programme, an international initiative carried out in Selena’s R&D centres world-wide. The programme covers a series of modern foam adhesives that revolutionise the construction sector. One of these products, which has been recently put on the market, is TYTAN Professional 60 SECONDS, a unique solution based on the proprietary TYTACK technology, which allows a strong initial grab to be achieved already after 60 seconds!

The polyurethane foam adhesives are great solutions for modern building. Selena’s R&D experts have focused their efforts on the key features: bonding strength, post-expansion reduction, yield and ease of application, so that the products from this line help increase the speed of construction work and keep the related costs down. At the same time they improve the user comfort as the replace the traditional mortars with the easy-to-apply and high-yield foam.

Technologia TYTACK wynaleziona w ramach projektu FOAD.

“The building solutions developed by Selena are absolute leaders in the world. In some segments, such as foam adhesives, Selena in the world’s pioneer. The TYTACK technology developed as part of the FOAD projectis an area where Selena sets new trends for the whole sector. As a result of the research, the developed technology was revised taking into account the available knowledge and the already existing solutions. It turned out that no such products existed in the market. It should be noted that TYTAN Professional 60 SECONDS and the TYTACK technology¬– on the basis of which the product was developed – attracted a lot of interest from the sector right from the start, which is bound to strengthen the company’s image as a creator of unique and innovative solutions”– said Marcin Macewicz, the Board Memeber of Selena FM S.A., the parent company of Selena Group. The TYTACK technology was invented by an interdisciplinary team of chemical experts working in Selena’s labs. By combining the skill and expertise of the scientists who each day work on developing polyurethane adhesives and foams, a technology was created that blends the two worlds. The result is a unique amalgamation of components that are typical of adhesives in a product that takes the form of a foam. With these special features, the 60 SECONDS foam adhesive has a very short bonding time and it does not expand after the element are bonded, so the product does not deform the surface. In addition, it does not need any preparation before being applied; it does not generate dust or other pollutants, and significantly reduces the amount of post-construction waste. The TYTACK technology ensures fast and safe bonding in the most popular application areas: on plasterboards and OSB boards, window sills and stairs, aerated concrete, silicate blocks, EPS/XPS boards and tiles, decorative and finishing elements.

Selena’s FOAD programme is a response to the demand from the sector, which expected solutions that would increase the effectiveness of repair and construction works. The marketing of the new generation of products – the foam adhesives – changes the approach to construction works and redefines the efficiency and speed of execution. The exchange of information between Selena Group companies has significantly shortened the time of development of formulations and the speed-to-market for FOAD, consolidating Selena’s position as a leader in the segment of innovative solutions for the whole construction sector.

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