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Selena Group’s 25th anniversary – a unique moment when the past meets the future

  Selena Group has been present in the market for 25 years. It has 30 companies in 17 countries with […]


Selena Group has been present in the market for 25 years. It has 30 companies in 17 countries with almost 1800 employees. The key to the company’s success is the combination of two values: the distinctive quality of products on offer and people. It is thanks to these values that Selena has gained a reputation as a leader of the global construction chemicals sector.

Selena was established in July 1992, almost immediately after the economic radical changes in Poland. It started from a barter trade, exchanging computers for mounting foam. In early 90s its workforce was four people, who built a distribution network for the imported materials. It participated very actively to the reconstruction of the Polish and central Europe economies and now after 25 years the company is one of the global players of construction chemicals and one of the three largest manufacturers of polyurethane foam in the world. Selena offers its innovative solutions dedicated for the construction sector in more than 70 countries in the world.


The recipe for such a prominent position of the international company with Polish capital is to offer innovative products of highest quality standards and to implement competitive solutions. Ever since the beginning of its existence, Selena has sought to ensure that these features make its products clearly stand out from those offered by Western companies. And that’s what they do! Selena has always been innovative. Already in mid 90s it was the first firm in the sector to categorise silicones in terms of their application. This classification was adopted as a market standard. It was also a global leader in developing and marketing of a mounting foam with a yield of 65 litres, while the market at that time offered products with a yield of mere 45 litres.

„Selena’s vision of the future is finding its roots in its history. We have always been trying to anticipate markets expectations, and this continues to be our aspiration. Our portfolio contains such breakthrough solutions as COOL-R, a highly reflective waterproofing coating for roofs, or a full serie of foam adhesives, including the revolutionary TYTAN 60 SECONDS, or IS13, a fast polystyrene adhesive. Selena’s goal is to change construction for the better, and to achieve competitive advantage in all business segments as well as to develop sustainable construction. The motto of the 25th anniversary of the company: Global Experience – Local Heroes, perfectly captures the values lived by Selena Group. We draw on our 25 years of international experience, while at the same time acting locally with our companies, which have the best understanding of the needs and expectations of local markets and customers – said Jean-Noël Fourel, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Selena FM S.A., the parent company of Selena Group.

Selena Group's 25th anniversaryAs the CEO added: “Celebrating our anniversary is also a special time when the past meets the future. This helps build on our values and elaborate new strategies which will be the company’s capital going forward. With a skilful combination of experience and with out-of-the-box thinking and expertise we will achieve our goals ahead of another round anniversary of Selena”.

Selena’s successes are not only based on its international resources or proprietary, innovative, technologies and products. The main foundations of Selena’s success, in addition to quality, are primarily its employees. It is thanks to their commitment and passion that Selena has gained prestige and reputation, becoming a leader in its sector.

Selena Group's 25th anniversary“Since April 2017, in different countries of Europe and the world, Selena Group’s employees and customers have been celebrating the firm’s 25th anniversary. In 17 countries, on 4 continents almost 1800 people daily deliver high quality building materials. Thanks to its committed, motivated and intelligent employees Selena has been responding to market and customers’ needs, steadily building its success. I would like to thank each and every one of them. I trust that there is a lot a head of us, and these 25 years are just a beginning of Selena’s history” – said Krzysztof Domarecki, the founder and Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Selena FM S.A., the parent company of Selena Group.

The event held in Wrocław, marking the 25th anniversary of the Group, was a perfect opportunity to award distinguished employees of Selena and to honour those with the longest years of service. During the main celebrations key development lines were mapped out for the coming years and the achievements to date were summed up. Present at the event were also the company’s invited guests and partners. As Selena has special ties with Wrocław and the Lower Silesia region, where – in addition to its headquarters – Selena has production plants, including in Siechnice, Dzierżoniów and Nowa Ruda, and Tytan EOS in Lubin, the event was attended by representatives of local authorities – the Mayor of Wrocław Rafał Dutkiewicz and the Treasurer of the Lower Silesian Voievodship – Elżbieta Berezowska.

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