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Selena Group: Tytan mounting foams of the new generation speed up the installation of doors and windows

Selena Group – owner of the Tytan brand and one of the world’s three largest producers of polyurethane foams – […]

Selena Group – owner of the Tytan brand and one of the world’s three largest producers of polyurethane foams – has developed a new technology that was put to use in the Tytan Professional Ultra Fast 70 foam. Its innovative formulation significantly reduces the time needed to instal doors and windows, which significantly increases the number of projects that can be completed over the same time. This is a response to the favourable market which facilitates development of new projects, but is also characterised by a shortage of qualified workforce. In such circumstances, technologies improving the construction process become even more valuable. 

Ultra Fast 70 fully cures within 90 minutes, which is a breakthrough compared to other foams available in the market which normally have curing times of 24 hours. In this way, work organisation and task management on building sites are made even more effective.

Tytan Professional Ultra Fast 70 foam in action.“Ultra Fast 70 is the fastest foam in the market. It is based on the “fast work” concept, which allows installation crews to fit doors and windows much faster than before. The features of this product make it a perfect match for Selena’s mission – to provide clients with the best solutions that optimise working time and allow more projects to be completed with the same resources and in a shorter time. Ultra Fast 70 also makes installers’ work more reliable and comfortable by eliminating the “secondary expansion”, which means that virtually immediately after applying the foam the user can see its final volume and shape in the installation clearance”, says Maciej Adamczuk, Head of the Windows & Doors Division, Selena Group.

“Fast work” – the concept used in the Tytan Professional Ultra Fast 70 foam originated out of the evident need voiced by users – window and door installers and owners of installation firms who were looking for a way to reduce working time. Selena’s R&D Department has created a foam with the shortest workability time in the market – as short as 10 minutes, with the full curing time reduced to 90 minutes (from the 24 hours available previously). The foam also has an increased yield of 70 liters per container, which reduces the total amount of foam needed for the installation of windows or doors. This translates directly into financial benefits for the contractor. This is one of the elements of Selena’s “Closer to the User” approach, which is about the focus on contractors’ needs and their business.

“From the very beginning, Selena has put great emphasis on ensuring that its products are not only synonymous with quality guarantee and innovation, but also that they support the business of our clients. By understanding users’ needs and flexibly responding to changes in the industry, the Ultra Fast 70 foam increases the efficiency of work on building sites and has a real impact on business development of window and door installers. This makes Tytan Professional a key partner for effective and quick project delivery”Maciej Adamczuk adds.

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