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Selena Group to focus on green energy production

Selena Group, operating in international markets for 30 years, continues to invest in the development of renewable energy sources. Known […]

Selena Group, operating in international markets for 30 years, continues to invest in the development of renewable energy sources. Known for valued solutions for the construction industry, the Group – having expanded its product range with photovoltaic systems for business, as announced in January this year – is poised to become a producer of green energy.

The Group intends to invest in renewable energy sources by implementing and operating biogas, biomethane, photovoltaic and wind projects in Central and Eastern Europe. Those projects will be carried out by Selena Green Investments, which is responsible for providing comprehensive support for renewable energy investments.

Selena Green Investments (SGI) is the member of Selena Group that is responsible for expanding the Group’s proposition to include activities in the renewable energy sector. SGI has a stable, Polish capital and ensures multi-level support for its partners, including real estate development and production companies, as well as substrate suppliers. We work closely with scientific and technological entities. We will deal with management, design and procurement, and will ensure financial and legal support for renewable energy projects,” says Paweł Grzegorski, CEO of Selena Green Investments.

Paweł Grzegorski, prezes zarządu Selena Green Investments
Paweł Grzegorski, CEO of Selena Green Investments

In accordance with the existing Energy Policy of Poland (PEP), the main lines of development of the sector until 2040 include: just transformation, a zero-emission energy system, and good air quality. The environment is conducive to the development of renewable energy projects and more and more entities are looking for proven partners for sustainability investments.

The hallmarks of Selena Group are innovation, global reach and the highest quality standards. With its operations underpinned by these qualities, Selena Green Investments ensures stable terms of cooperation, long-term contracts, as well as professional support in technology development, education and social communication in the renewable energy sector,” says Wojciech Chył, Vice President of the Management Board of Selena Green Investments.

Wojciech Chyłek, wiceprezes zarządu Selena Green Investments
Wojciech Chyłek, Vice President of the Management Board of Selena Green Investments

Selena Group has furthered sustainable development for many years. In the first quarter of 2022, Selena expanded its portfolio with a business that offers a comprehensive energy roof service for industry and logistics. The Group also established a new sustainability department, whose role is to deliver products for climate-neutral construction, while applying the highest standards of sustainable corporate development.

Selena Group has been consistently building its presence on all continents, gaining experience in foreign markets. In this way, our organization develops fast and naturally expands its activities with solutions sought by users. Supporting renewable energy projects was a natural step for us, as ever since its formation Selena has been committed to what we today call ESG (environmental, social and corporate governance) operating model,” says Krzysztof Domarecki, member of the Supervisory Board of Selena Green Investments and the main shareholder of Selena Group.

Krzysztof Domarecki, przewodniczący rady nadzorczej Seleny ESG oraz główny akcjonariusz Grupy Selena
Krzysztof Domarecki, member of the Supervisory Board of Selena Green Investments and the main shareholder of Selena Group

Currently the Group comprises 34 companies in 19 countries. Selena’s manufacturing plants are located in Poland, South Korea, China, Romania, Turkey, Kazakhstan, Spain, and Italy.

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