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Selena Group strengthens position in Russia

Selena Group is steadily increasing market share in Russia. Selena’s Russian sales in 2010 were ca. 45% up on the […]

Selena Group is steadily increasing market share in Russia. Selena’s Russian sales in 2010 were ca. 45% up on the previous year. Thanks to Tytan Professional brand and the high-yield foam Tytan 65 Selena leads the Russian market of gun polyurethane foams.

Russian building sector is among the most dynamically developing markets as far as the number of new investments in the last two years is concerned. The observable economic growth has also resulted in a visible recovering tendency of the construction sector, which is intertwined with the growing demand for modern trade and office space. Number of investments increases thanks to dynamic expansion and development among local entrepreneurs who make use of funds from exports of raw materials.

Broadening the range by new products under Tytan Professional brand and securing new distribution channels are the key aspects of the Group’s expansion strategy for the emerging markets. Selena Group operates in Russia through its subsidiaries – Kvadro and Selena Vostok. Product offer for Russia covers – among others – PU foams, sealants and adhesives under Tytan Professional and Artelit brands.

Selena’s product range offers hi-tech and easy-to-apply products. The company steadily broadens the assortment, marketing a still new and innovative selection of products. In 2010 Selena launched numerous novelties in Russia, e.g. 360 degree applicators which equip Tytan Professional sealants. The 360 degree applicator – first of the kind to be introduced in the Russian market – facilitates product application in difficult-to-reach places.

It’s the second year in a row, that Selena Vostok’s sales have had such good dynamics. Russia is one of the very few markets around the globe, where the year 2010 brought a very good economic growth and a rising market. This combination had a great impact on our Russian results. What’s more, our sales have been growing also for other markets we operate in – such as Spain, Brazil and Poland. We are planning for a boost to our production capacity and continued diversification of our product offer. It will enable us further growth and maintaining our stance in the international markets in the forthcoming years” – says Krzysztof Domarecki, CEO of Selena FM SA.

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