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Selena Group: Selena Lab’s new R&D centre – global business, local benefits

Selena Labs R&D centre of Selena Group, continues its strategy of developing innovative products and implementing unique solutions. On 2 […]

Selena Labs R&D centre of Selena Group, continues its strategy of developing innovative products and implementing unique solutions. On 2 April 2019, the company opened its main laboratory centre in the city of Dzierżoniów, in the Wałbrzych Special Economic Zone “INVEST-PARK”. With a value of PLN 8 million and usable area of more than 4,000 m², the project will significantly increase the company’s ability to develop and put on global markets construction chemicals with unique parameters.

The laboratory coordinates activities of R&D units from Poland, Italy, Spain, Turkey and China. In this way, the globally integrated team works closely together, sharing experience and developing solutions for professional users in more than 70 countries around the world.

Opening of SELENA LABS“Selena’s strength lies in the constant search for new, high-quality solutions that change the approach to construction based on the creativity of our employees. Today, the situation in in the market is completely different than what it was several years ago. We’ve observed a significant increase in the level of skill and expertise of builders as well as their greater awareness of the application technologies used. That’s why it is so important to carefully observe the environment in which we operate and ensure direct cooperation with builders and the world of science, including the Wroclaw University of Technology, as well as with suppliers who create new raw materials. It is thanks to the ideas devised and implemented by the R&D department that Selena’s products, such as the solutions based on hybrid polymers, are guaranteed to create a new value for users – this is particularly important in the era of changing climate conditions and staff shortages experienced by contractors, says Krzysztof Domarecki, the CEO of Selena FM S.A.

„I’m proud when Polish, and especially Lower Silesian firms boldly enter and succeed in global markets. As the local authority body of the region, we have been supporting and facilitating development of our companies in foreign markets for many years. This is one of our priorities and I’m glad to see the effects of these actions”, says Cezary Przybylski, Marshal of the Lower Silesian Province. „Two years ago I had the opportunity to visit Selena’s factory in Kazakhstan, one of its many other facilities located all over the world. I remember how impressed I was by the vision of the firm’s development and the professionalism of its operations. I’m positive that the new R&D centre will add impetus to the company’s continued growth and will help it strengthen its market position”, Cezary Przybylski adds.

„We strongly believe that the new laboratory centre will become an important part of the “INVEST-PARK” Wałbrzych Special Economic Zone, and the activity of Selena Group will be even more embedded in the economic and social landscape of the whole region, opening up new markets and prospects for Selena”, says Maciej Badora, President of the “INVEST-PARK” Wałbrzych Special Economic Zone.

Prezentacja SELENA LABS.jpgThe company received financing of approx. PLN 800 thousand towards laboratory equipment as part of the Innovative Economy Operational Programme – Sub-measure 4.5.2. sponsored by the Ministry of Economy. In addition, Selena Labs also participates in projects carried out under the Horizon 2020 programme, and is the first Polish company leading a project implemented by an international consortium. Under the EENSULATE project, the Centre received a grant for developing and implementing a system of polyurethane foams and foam adhesives with advanced insulation properties. This is a part of Horizon 2020, the largest research and innovation funding programme in the history of the European Union, with a budget of nearly EUR 80 billion. In addition to EENSULATE, under Horizon 2020, Selena Labs participates in the BioMotive project, which is designed to pave the ground towards the production and subsequent sale of components based on biorenewable, crop-based raw materials.

“We assume that R&D should combine three aspects of activity: tracking of the latest scientific solutions; cooperation with users and observing their needs – which is crucial for the formulation of the right product – and the ability to analyse and manage knowledge to use it properly within a single product. The opening of a new laboratory is an important undertaking for us and the local community. We are bringing modern technological solutions, innovation and a new work culture into the region, while creating growth opportunities for SMEs. Thanks to this research unit, talented scientists from Lower Silesia will be able to develop their skills in a world-class facility and it will be their role to drive technological progress in the region, adds Krzysztof Domarecki, CEO of Selena FM S.A.

The event was attended by representatives of local authorities, the world of science and business support institutions, including: Michał Bobowiec, member of the Management Board of the Lower-Silesian Province; Dariusz Kucharski, Mayor of Dzierżoniów; Jacek Lamperski, Vice-Rector for Student Affairs at the Wrocław University of Technology; Maciej Badora, President of the Wałbrzych Special Economic Zone; Ewa Kaucz, President of the Wroclaw Agglomeration Development Agency; Jerzy Michalak, Head of the Lower Silesian Intermediate Body and Zygmunt Krasiński, Head of the National Contact Point for HORIZON 2020 Research Programmes of the European Union.

ENERGY 2020 w SELENA LABS.jpgOur task is to create innovation understood as added value for the users of our products on the construction site, including safety and speed of execution while maintaining the highest quality. By means of technology, we are able to address problems and obstacles that builders are faced with. For example, our new adhesive based on hybrid technology is 8 times faster than ordinary mounting adhesives. Innovation drives the whole world and there is no progress without it. However, innovation should serve people. Additionally, we have implemented a new model for innovation development at Selana Labs. We use a methodology that allows the time of work on a product to be shortened from 2 years to 6 months. This speeds up time-to-market and facilitates effective commercialisation of products. And this is extremely important. Now the life of a product is very short, about 2 years. With our methods whereby we obtain modern product solutions faster, we can respond to current needs and effectively compete on the international stage”, says Wojciech Komala, CEO of Selena Labs.

At present, there are three production plants and the headquarters of Selena located in the Lower Silesia province. The Group also has manufacturing plants in Poland, Brazil, South Korea, China, Romania, Turkey, Spain and Kazakhstan. The company’s laboratory, an essential part of an innovative firm, complements its scientific and production chain and fits in with its strategy of international expansion enabled by product advantage. The Group has employees in 30 companies on five continents and sells its products in 70 countries around the world. The laboratory of Selena Labs in Dzierżoniów is staffed by 50 high-quality chemists.

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