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Selena Group has a new Management Board Member

On 19 November 2018, the Supervisory Board of Selena FM S.A. appointed Ms Elżbieta Korczyńska to the Management Board as […]

On 19 November 2018, the Supervisory Board of Selena FM S.A. appointed Ms Elżbieta Korczyńska to the Management Board as acting CFO. In her new role, Elżbieta Korczyńska will be responsible for execution of Selena Group’s financial strategy.

Elżbieta Korczyńska has been working with Selena since 2005. Over that time, she took part in developing and implementing financial strategies and supervised the process of consolidating financial statements and reporting. She was responsible for preparing and monitoring budgets and long-term financial plans. She graduated from the University of Economics (MBA) and the University of Environmental and Life Sciences in Wrocław. She also completed a number of postgraduate studies, including a course in Controlling.

Elżbieta Korczyńska, a new Management Board Member, acting CFO of Selena Group“Selena Group is an entity with a strong position in the Polish market, but also on the international stage. The Group’s products are sold in 70 countries, which is both a source of pride and a challenge related to cost optimisation and securing our operations in markets with varied political and economic situations. I know the Group’s activities very well because I’ve been involved in the process of creating and executing financial strategies for years. My key task as an acting CFO will be to manage the Group’s finances to support the Group’s active development and meet the challenges of the present market. By this I mean focusing on risk mitigation and dealing with the difficult situation in the raw materials market and the exposure to unforeseen events. The Selena team’s experience and products based on modern technologies responding to end users’ needs will certainly improve the Group’s efficiency through, for example, balanced expenditure to foster sales development, says Elżbieta Korczyńska, a new Management Board Member, acting CFO of Selena Group.

Having joined Selena Group in 2005, she held such functions as Vice President of the Management Board – Chief Financial Officer at one of Selena Group’s subsidiaries, a holding entity for 19 foreign affiliates. In 2011, she was nominated as Selena’s Group Controller for about 30 subsidiaries. She was responsible for implementation of the new ERP system – Microsoft Dynamix AX as the project’s architect. Since 2015, she has been Head of Treasury at Selena Group.

In 1994–2005, Elżbieta Korczyńska served as Corporate Controller, Treasury Director and Director of Planning at American Restaurants sp. z o. o. She was a member of supervisory boards and management boards of subsidiaries of this franchise conglomerate from the real estate and restaurant sector. She was responsible for financial aspects of mergers & acquisitions, developing business strategies with the executive team and managing the company’s operations.

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