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Selena Group: A new hybrid adhesive launched in Spain and Poland

Selena Group – one of the leading producers and distributors of construction chemicals and the owner of the TYTAN brand […]

Selena Group – one of the leading producers and distributors of construction chemicals and the owner of the TYTAN brand – is consistently developing its range of products based on hybrid polymers and is steadily increasing the share of these products in total sales. In Spain, during the Veteco fair , Selena presented its new mounting adhesive that is expected to attract new customers and expand sales also into other markets in Western Europe – where quality, time and safety of construction works are of major importance. This adhesive is to be rolled out across all the markets where the Group operates. This is a response to the need to accelerate construction works, given the shrinking personnel resources on construction sites. The use of hybrids allows work to be done faster, while maintaining high quality and very good pro-environmental parameters, as an answer to the growing requirements of professional contractors regarding the materials used.

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The new adhesive is eight times faster than traditional mounting adhesives. It takes maximum three hours to fully cure. It has a very high initial bonding strength, which makes it possible to finish the work in a short time and without the use of additional supports during application. The product combines the features of quick adhesive with a high initial and final bond strength – in this way, it responds to current trends and helps introduce new solutions significantly affecting the quality of work and life of people.

Iwona Koptewicz, Director Product Category Adhesives, Selena FM S.A..jpg“Today, the situation in the Central Europe region and in the Eastern markets is completely different than several years ago. We’ve observed a significant increase in the level of skills and expertise of local builders as well as their greater awareness of the application technologies used. The overall situation in the construction industry has changed. Shortage of skilled building end-users, growing cost of labour and new building materials – this is our reality now. Therefore, the solutions making work easier and considerably reducing the time needed to perform it – are increasingly gaining on importance. Professional building end-users have already managed to get to know the merits and advantages of the products based on MS or STP Polymers over the traditional sealants and adhesives. The user safety aspects and environmental protection issues have likewise gained on importance. Of course, the fact that the price difference between the hybrid products and the products based on traditional technologies such as silicones or polyurethane sealants and adhesives has narrowed down considerably, is not without significance. This is why Selena Group has been consistently developing its offer of hybrid-based products, not only in Spain, but also in the markets of Central Europe and in the East”, says Iwona Koptewicz, Director Product Category Adhesives, Selena FM S.A.




Tytan Professional Fix2 GT.jpgThe biggest advantages of hybrid adhesives include the possibility of universal application on various surfaces, very good workability, water tightness, paintability, high mould and mildew, UV resistance, and elasticity. The properties of these products significantly improve work and guarantee durable joints or bonds, resistant to changing environmental conditions. The most popular hybrid adhesives that Selena Group currently has on offer include: Tytan Professional Fix2 Rapid, Tytan Professional Fix2 Gallop and HB-810 Artelit Professional parquet adhesive.

„Hybrids are products created the basis of silane-modified polymers – the combination of the advantages of both products makes them extremely versatile. We note growing awareness of buyers. More and more customers choose hybrid-based products because this technology significantly improves work in addition to being safe for the user and the environment. Not without significance is also the fact that with the current situation in the construction sector – staff shortages or rising labour costs – hybrids are a solution that allows you to do your task at a high quality level, even with a smaller team. In addition, hybrid polymers can be used to create a wide range of products, from very elastic low modulus sealants, through waterproofing products, to very strong, high tack adhesives, from GT series. This gives users a wide range of possibilities”Iwona Koptewicz adds.

More detailed information in HYBRID TECHNOLOGY NEWSLETTER and VIDEO.

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