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Selena at the Impact’16 Congress

On 15-16 June, the ICE Krakow Congress Centre hosted the Impact’16 Congress, where Selena presented its two latest products, and […]

On 15-16 June, the ICE Krakow Congress Centre hosted the Impact’16 Congress, where Selena presented its two latest products, and Krzysztof Domarecki – the Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Selena FM S.A. took part in the debate on innovation, discussing the problem of barriers to business in Poland.

During the congress, Selena presented the two inventions it has put on the market. One was NoEM Electro Protector – the world’s first product that offers protection against low-frequency electric fields. The other solution was Cool-R, a highly reflective and water-proof hydro-insulation shield, an innovative product that reduces temperature below the roof while ensuring that the roof is fully water-tight.

Krzysztof Domarecki during the debate at Impact’16 Congress,

During the debate about the need for support to new, small companies, Selena’s Supervisory Board Chairman highlighted the barriers that newly fledged businesses have to cope with. According to Mr. Domarecki, it is not the government that creates the major barriers. They result from Poland’s location between highly and poorly industrialised markets – the problem is of a global nature. Poland is not situated within an area with advanced industry, neither is it a country of the Third World. The middle place in the civilisation ladder reduces the number of natural market impulses that are key to innovation growth. According to Krzysztof Domarecki, the problem may be solved through cooperation with inventors, which give rise to modern solutions for strictly defined market segments. Such an approach means that combating global obstacles should begin from addressing the problems that Mr. Domarecki calls as “small problems of humanity”. As an example and a fruit of the said philosophy Selena Group has unveiled its two latest products: COOL-R – protective roofing shield that reduces roof temperature and balances the temperature in the rooms right below the roof – it is a perfect solution for the countries where sun intensity is high. In turn the NoEM paint absorbs electric field and protects against its harmful effects. Cooperation with scientists in developing such modern products is an example of innovations that address global problems at the local level.

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