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Krzysztof Domarecki honoured with the Medal of Poland’s 100th Independence Anniversary

Krzysztof Domarecki – President of the Management Board, founder of Selena Group and the Fidiasz fund – was awarded by […]

Krzysztof Domarecki – President of the Management Board, founder of Selena Group and the Fidiasz fund – was awarded by the Prime Minister of Poland Mateusz Morawiecki with the Medal of Poland’s 100th Independence Anniversary in recognition of his contribution to the Polish economy. The medal, awarded as part of the celebrations marking the anniversary of Poland regaining its independence, goes to the individuals who have contributed to building civic community and the country’s economic well-being.

Krzysztof Domarecki, President of the Management Board of Selena FM SA“I’m glad that the Prime Minister recognises entrepreneurs’ contribution to strengthening the Polish State. In countries with a long tradition of entrepreneurship, the authorities and government administration as well as entrepreneurs themselves are deeply aware that local entrepreneurship brings internal stability to the state and makes it stronger on the international stage. In 2000, Selena embarked on its expansion into foreign markets. Today, after 18 years of this expansion, we are one of those companies who have their headquarters in Poland. Thanks to this, we create here hundreds of value-adding and high-paid jobs – typical of corporate headquarters. At the same time, everywhere in the world we are known as a Polish company, and we sell our products to more than 70 countries under the Tytan brand”, says Krzysztof Domarecki, President of the Management Board of Selena FM SA.

Krzysztof Domarecki – an entrepreneur and investor with a degree in Law from the University of Wrocław, has been active in the construction chemicals sector for more than 25 years. He is a founder and now the CEO of Selena FM, one of the world’s top three manufacturers of mounting foam, best known for its flagship TYTAN brand. At present, the Group employs nearly 1800 people, and its manufacturing plants are located in Poland, Brazil, South Korea, China, Romania, Turkey, Spain and Kazakhstan. Since 2008, Selena has been listed on Warsaw Stock Exchange. In 2018, Selena’s revenues totalled over PLN 1.2 billion.

The Medal of Poland’s 100th Independence AnniversarySince 2009, Krzysztof Domarecki has been actively investing also in the Venture Capital funds market. His investment fund, Fidiasz FIZ, provides young businesses not only with financing, but also with support in terms of competency development, marketing and putting new products or services on the market, followed by international expansion. The first investment made by Fidiasz is FinAi, a Polish technology company from the fintech sector, founded in 2016. It developed and launched an innovative credit platform that simplified the customer’s access to bank credit.

For his business achievements, Krzysztof Domarecki was honoured with the “Bene merito” medal from the Minister of Foreign Affairs. He also received many awards, including: an award from the Mayor of Wrocław for “placing Wrocław’s economy in a global network of connections, and creating a recognisable company brand”; the title of the “Person Who’s Transforming the Polish Industry” from Nowy Przemysł monthly, and the “Personality of Lower Silesia” accolade as part of the Lower Silesian Economic Plebiscite. In 2008, he was also recognised in the “Businessman of the Year contest (the category of “Social Responsibility”), organised by Ernst & Young. Krzysztof Domarecki’s non-business interests include philosophy, history and the theory of globalisation.

Award ceremony at the headquarters of the Ministry of Entrepreneurship and Technology

On 8 May 2019, Krzysztof Domarecki was honoured with the Medal of Poland’s 100th Independence Anniversary The award ceremony took place at the headquarters of the Ministry of Entrepreneurship and Technology, and the medal was presented by Minister Jadwiga Emilewicz on behalf of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Poland Mateusz Morawiecki. The Medal of Poland’s 100th Independence Anniversary is granted during the celebrations marking 100th anniversary of Poland regaining its independence (in the years 2018–2021). It goes to living individuals who – through their impeccable public service, civil or military, the fight for independence and activities for democratic change, professional and social activity, scientific, literary and artistic work – have contributed to regaining or strengthening Poland’s sovereignty.

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