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Krzysztof Domarecki awarded as Personality of Lower Silesia

Krzysztof Domarecki, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Selena Group and founder of the Fidiasz Fund, was awarded as “Personality […]

Krzysztof Domarecki, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Selena Group and founder of the Fidiasz Fund, was awarded as “Personality of Lower Silesia”, in the “Business Stars” competition as part of the Lower Silesian Economic Plebiscite. The award is conferred by the Wałbrzych Region Fund together with FRW Media Group, a business support institution, and the portal, in recognition of contributing to and promoting the region. Nominees include entrepreneurs, members of local authorities and business-related institutions from the Lower Silesia region.

Over the last three years the Lower Silesian Economic Plebiscite has become one of the most important economic events in Lower Silesia. Each year it attracts nearly 500 visitors, including personalities from the world of business, politics, culture and sport. This year, the award in the category “Personality of Lower Silesia” was granted to Krzysztof Domarecki, who has had close ties with the region since the beginning of his business and research activity.


Lower Silesia is the birthplace of many excellent ideas and enterprises, some of which, like Selena, have an international reach. The regional “Business Stars” plebiscite is a platform for dialogue between companies at various levels of technological advancement, providing them with the opportunity to transfer knowledge, experience and good practices. At the same time, it helps them see in their immediate environment the inspirations which can become a driving force for the growth of their business. The new edition of the ranking strengthens the position of Lower Silesia on the business map of Poland. For me, the “Personality” award in the „Business Stars 2018” plebiscite is a recognition for the activity we carry on, both that connected with Selena Group and the Tytan brand, and that related to supporting start-ups as part of the Fidiasz Fund. Today, after 25 years of market presence, more than 70% of Selena Group’s sales come from abroad as we operate on four continents. That said, I’m all the more happy that our international activity is also appreciated by Selena’s home region, where it originated and where its headquarters have been located since the very beginning. The awareness that we can represent Lower Silesia not only in Poland, but also on the international stage is without doubt something we can be proud of, says Krzysztof Domarecki, the founder and Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Selena Group.

The final gala took place in the Stara Kopalnia (Old Mine) Science and Art Centre in Wałbrzych. “Business Stars” awards are granted in one of five categories: Micro Company, Small Company, Medium Company, Socially Responsible Business, Business-Friendly Local Authority and Personalities of Lower Silesia. The award statuettes were created by Dorota Dziekiewicz-Pilich, an artist who designed, for example, a statuette of the Fryderyk musical award.

For more information about the Fidiasz Fund go to

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