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Global Experience – Local Heroes, 25th Anniversary of Selena in Romania

For the past 25 years, Selena has been changing the construction industry by introducing innovative solutions and methods of building. […]

For the past 25 years, Selena has been changing the construction industry by introducing innovative solutions and methods of building. On June 8th, Selena has celebrated it’s 25th Anniversary in Romania, the first subsidiary established outside of Poland, it’s homemarket.

25th Anniversary of Selena in Romania

Selena Romania was the group’s first subsidiary to be opened outside of Poland and is still active on a growing Romanian market with great potential in the construction industry. By bringing innovative solutions and expanding construction possibilities, Selena offers unique business oportunities to local busines partners – contractors, distributors and investors, also due to sourcing from the local production plant. Selena entered the local market in 2000, by bringing the first ever high yield foam – Tytan 65 – that has revolutionized the Window & Door installation segment. In 2012, Selena established it’s manufacturing footprint on the Romanian market by acquiring and integrating Euro MGA, a well known local producer of dry mortars and powder adhesives, and one of the oldest local brands. At present, with over 17 years of local experience, the team of 65 people and a total network of almost 700 active partners and distributors, Selena operates across the entire territory of this country.

Daniel Sipu, General Manager of Selena Romania

‘In 2016, Romania had the biggest economic growth out of all EU countries, a growth that is visibly reflected also by our own success. Until now, we have been consolidating our presence on the Romanian market in various industries, such as the construction, energy and agricultural sectors, where our clients show high interest in new technologies that focus on energy and cost effectiveness. Overall, the partnership with Romanian companies has proved to be very reliable and we are proud to see that our products raise the living standards and facilitate access to new technologies. We aim to introduce innovative and application driven solutions, that can fundamentally revolutionize the way of building and by this also contribute to our partner’s business developement’, said Daniel Sipu, General Manager of Selena Romania.

According to the latest reports, several main trends are highlighted on the Romanian market. For example, as a result of new constructions and rehabilitation programs all over Romania, the market forecast for 2017 indicates a potential growth of 5.8% from 2016 levels. Moreover, 2017 brings a higher governmental budget dedicated to investments, up to 4,84% of the GDP, which represents a 25% increase compared to 2016. These recent figures demonstrate market’s high potential in terms of demand for improved products, applications and technologies such as the ones delivered by Selena Group to enable workers to achieve better results and stronger performance.

25th Anniversary of Selena in Romania

Leveraging its 25 years of experience in one component foams, adhesive and sealants, Selena Group is now exploring new application technologies with revolutionary products like i. e. foam adhesives, COOL-R that will change the future of construction. By that Selena is considered as a business maker and continue building and developing long term partnerships on the market. Company offers a series of key benefits to all its customers, from new technologies for the variuos construction applications segment, to comprehensive services at every stage of the cooperation, such as: professional assistance for product offerings, product diversification specific for regions, market or customers and technical advisory, trainings and presentations. Equally, Selena sets the standard for installers, optimizes costs for the end user, offers a better budget planning for construction companies and follows direct feedback from the interaction with the end user.

Selena Group is a worldwide manufacturer and supplier of a variety of construction chemicals that collaborates with professional contractors and DIY users all over the world. Selena was founded in Poland in 1992 and has since gathered experience over four continents, several dozen countries and many business areas. This year, Selena Group celebrates its 25th anniversary of developing pioneering solutions, thus being a leader in innovation.


“Our company is one of the leading producers and distributors of construction chemicals in the world, with net sales amounting to nearly 240.000 000 EUR in 2016. Nearly every year Selena develops new construction materials targeted towards retail and end user segments, B2B, architects and design offices, along with the challenge of taking part in integrated building projects. All these achievements could not be fullfilled if it wasn’t for the local companies. People in all our subsidiaries confirm their dedication, knowledge, professionalism on a daily basis and they are also the ones closest to all our clients and partners. Selena Group Global Experience could not happen if it wasn’t for our Local Heroes.” Said Jean-Noël Fourel, President of the Management Board, Chief Executive Officer of Selena Group.

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