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FIDIASZ to invest PLN 200 million in promising start-ups

Krzysztof Domarecki – the founder and creator of the global success of Selena Group – is launching a new VC. […]

Krzysztof Domarecki – the founder and creator of the global success of Selena Group – is launching a new VC. Inaugurated at the Impact’17 congress, FIDIASZ is an investment fund with a budget of PLN 200 million, whose objective is to transform Polish and European start-ups into modern, international companies. FIDIASZ is the first undertaking of its kind which will ensure comprehensive support to starting businesses – from financing to full know-how on development, logistics, marketing and sales, and ways of entry the foreign markets.


FIDIASZ is quite unique when compared to existing investment funds – it embodies practical implementation of the idea of economic patriotism. The purpose of the new fund created by Krzysztof Domarecki is to invest from PLN 4m to PLN 50m into each of several carefully selected projects. Together with a transfer of funds, promising start-ups will obtain expert assistance – knowledge and experience, gained both by the founder of Selena over the 25-year history of building the Group’s success, and a team of top-class managers, specialized in the key aspects of business development. The estimated duration of investment support is 6-10 years. Over that time, a new undertaking can reasonably be expected to be transformed into an international corporation. FIDIASZ will invest into different industries – the fund is open to cooperation with inventors, innovators and other VC funds. The first start-up into which Krzysztof Domarecki’s Fund has invested is FinAi – a FinTech working on implementation of an innovative credit platform, which will shorten and above all simplify customers’ – so far – very complicated road to a bank loan.

„Traditional investment funds tend to focus on three elements: seeking, subsidizing and then selling an investment. The key parameter to look at for managers of such funds is the rate of return on investment. When developing FIDIASZ, I had another idea in mind – first of all, I want to use my experience gained when developing Selena to help start-ups to conquer global markets. The idea for a product, technology or service is one thing. However, as the company grows, an increasingly important role is played by other competences, not less vital than the invention itself. The most difficult of them is the ability to expand effectively into foreign markets. Gaining such knowledge on one’s own may be costly, and bad decisions may cause the start-up to fall, even if the original idea was revolutionary. This is why FIDIASZ – alongside with the funds needed for development – is going to contribute the know-how and support crucial to take full advantage of the potential dormant in new enterprises. Return on investment, is important, but only in the second place” – said Krzysztof Domarecki, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Selena FM S.A., parent of Selena Group

Thanks to its private character, FIDIASZ is highly flexible in terms of the amounts it can put towards a single investment. This creates a unique opportunity for providing a comprehensive support to the most promising young firms, support that we hope will contribute to their steady growth and effective international expansion of innovative entrepreneurs.

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