Selena FM S.A. – Globalny lider i dystrybutor chemii budowlanej
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Change of role of a Management Board Member – Andrzej Zygadło

Effective from September 20, 2024, the Supervisory Board of Selena FM S.A. changed the position of Andrzej Zygadło, Management Board Member serving as Chief Human Resources Officer (CHRO). His new role as a Management Board Member is Chief Corporate Development Officer (CCDO) as of October 1, 2024.

As of October 1, 2024 Andrzej Zygadło has been promoted to the position of Chief Corporate Development Officer with a responsibility for setting directions in the area of mergers and acquisitions (M&A) and for delivering acquisition goals, and consequently increasing the Group’s market share and driving profit growth.

“The appointment of Andrzej Zygadło as CCDO and entrusting him with the corporate development area is a clear indication of the direction in which Selena Group is heading and where it wants to invest time, money and resources in the coming years,” says Sławomir Majchrowski, CEO of the Company. “The business environment is still very challenging. The sector is hardly optimistic about the possibility of demand recovery in the short term. In these conditions of high uncertainty, we are prompted to seek new opportunities to grow our business and consolidate our market position”.

Andrzej Zygadło joined Selena FM in 2019. On October 1, 2021, the Supervisory Board adopted a resolution appointing him to the Company’s Management Board as Chief Human Resources Officer.

“Development through mergers and acquisitions is one of the key areas, especially in weak economic times,” Andrzej Zygadło said following his appointment. “A highly competitive market and uncertain macroeconomic and geopolitical situation put the onus on the Group’s Management Board to take pre-emptive actions to help scale up our business and maximise our growth in the long term. My goal will be to identify appropriate M&A targets to increase our scale and margins, expand our presence in global markets and improve Selena’s competitive edge,” Andrzej Zygadło adds.

Andrzej Zygadło graduated from the Law Faculty at the University of Wrocław. He has over thirty years of experience. During his professional career, he worked in specialist and managerial positions with such companies as Cussons, GE, Gillette, CeDo and Goodyear (2008–2011), where he took up the role of HR Director for the company’s regional headquarters in Prague with a responsibility for the region of South-Eastern Europe. In the years 2012–2018, he worked with PPG as HR Director, a leading global manufacturer of paints and varnishes. Next, still in PPG, he progressed to the position of Regional Personnel Director for Central Europe and the Middle East. He managed human resources in such countries as: Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Russia, United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, and Türkiye. As of September 20, 2024, he took on the new role of Chief Corporate Development Officer (CCDO) as of October 1, 2024.

Current composition of Selena’s Management Board:

Sławomir Majchrowski – President of the Management Board

Andrzej Zygadło – Member of the Management Board – Chief Corporate Development Officer

Krzysztof Ościłowicz – Member of the Management Board for Finance

Michał Specjalski – Member of the Management Board for Product and Innovation

Walter Brattinga – Member of the Management Board for Commercial Affairs

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