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Selena Experience. Building the Future #6: Green energy (Olga Kempa)

In the sixth episode of the video podcast “Selena Experience. Building the Future” we talk to Olga Kempa, project manager ​at Selena Green Investments (Selena Group).

Olga Kempa

Project manager at Selena Green Investments, a company that develops, manages, implements and then operates photovoltaic and wind farm projects, biogas plants, and – in the longer term – biomethane plants.

Graduated from the Cracow University of Technology, where she studied spatial development in 2014-2019. She specialized in urban planning and transport, and obtained a master’s degree in engineering. She also completed postgraduate studies in controlling at the WSB Merito University in Wrocław.

She has been with Selena Group since 2022. At Selena Green Investments, she is directly involved in due diligence processes, acquisitions and negotiations aimed at expanding the portfolio of renewable energy projects at various development stages. She prepares and coordinates procedures necessary for the proper development, implementation and subsequent effective operation of projects.

Episodes of the video podcast “Selena Experience. Building the Future” are available on Selena Group’s YouTube channel.

Listen to the Polish audio version HERE or on your favorite podcast platform.

You can find more episodes on playlists: on Selena Group’s YouTube channel and on podcast platforms.

#SelenaExperience #PeopleofSelena #SelenaExperts

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