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Together we build hope in Nepal

Cataclysm, which last year hit a small Nepal caused significant damage – consumed nearly 10 000 lives and many hundreds […]

Cataclysm, which last year hit a small Nepal caused significant damage – consumed nearly 10 000 lives and many hundreds of thousands of people lost their homes, belongings and hope. The destruction affected not only the country’s capital Kathmandu, but also smaller towns and villages. There often help arrives very late or does not arrive at all. That’s why “Mala Polska w Nepalu” (“Little Poland in Nepal”) foundation concentrates activities in villages around the capital city. Among other, in the beautiful village of Dumre founders of the foundation – Sujan Pandey and Magdalena Pietruszka-Pandey help natives build a new life.

Little Poland in Nepal

At the turn of April and May 2015 Nepal has been affected by a series of earthquakes. Less than a month later „Mala Polska w Nepalu” was evoked, and its main goal is to help victims of this disaster. Organization first steps were directed to the village Dumre (approx. 29 km away from Kathmandu), which was destroyed by the disaster. Nearly 100 people from Dumre was left without a roof over their heads and a source of water, which before the earthquake benefited residents, was not fit for use. That’s why foundation has started with the restoration of drinking water in the village. In May, the people involved in the project, villagers and Nepalese workers completed the rebuilding of schools, but in the course of realization is still the Polish House, which will eventually be the place of work for doctors and volunteers. The reconstruction of the houses is also awaiting. The state of the few buildings in Dumre that still stand, unfortunately, does not allow for their repair, so they are working „from scratch”. The area is beautiful, but the mountain-shaped surrounding terrain does not facilitate the task. It is particularly difficult to reach the village, which also affects the limited availability of the most necessary things.

Little Poland in Nepal

Besides the reconstruction of the village the foundation regularly helps finance children’s education and treatment of patients. In Nepal, the demand for support is enormous, virtually in every area of life. The founders of organization describe the situation in this country in these words: “Nepalese are wonderful people, cheerful, friendly, reconciled with fate. They are heroes of everyday life, because even without the earthquake they have to deal with the hardships of life. But they never give up, always with a smile going forward. Let us help the people of Nepal live peacefully without fear for their future health, life and fate of their children. Let’s share what we have – because we have much more than they do. Let’s give this people our hearts and long-term support. Because they have a great need, but do not ask for it”. Currently, the foundation is looking for help in the reconstruction of another school in the village Bhadrutar. In a makeshift hut of corrugated iron learns at the moment 60 students. Old school completely collapsed during the earthquake, it is therefore necessary support for Nepalese children in this area.

Foundation calls were answered by many individuals, celebrities like Martyna Wojciechowska and many companies, offices and institutions, as well as representatives of the media or business. The activities of the foundation „Mala Polska w Nepalu” involved also a leader in the construction chemicals industry – Selena FM S.A. “I was extremely moved when team members of Selena FM SA asked me for the meeting regarding the foundation „Mala Polska w Nepalu”. They showed me the enormity of human misery, which we could not remain indifferent to. We decided to help to rebuild the Nepalese hope and to help them recover but a resemblance of a normal life” – said Krzysztof Domarecki, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Selena FM S.A.

Little Poland in Nepal

Foundation enabled support people from Nepal in many ways. Transfer of funds takes place on a provided for this purpose account. Any amount, even the smallest, is very much needed. You can also help personally. Particularly desirable are those with experience in the building sector, architecture, medicine and education. However, any person who chooses to fly to Nepal and work in Dumre will be received with open arms. The Foundation will be happy to cooperate with business, governments, institutions, also in the form of sponsorship or patronage. Together we can build hope for the people of Nepal. For many of them the only thing they have now.

For more details visit organization page: 

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