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“There is no future without entrepreneurship” – Selena awarded in the “Brand” category

Selena Group took the first place in the “Brand” category under the project “There is no future without entrepreneurship” organised […]

Selena Group took the first place in the “Brand” category under the project “There is no future without entrepreneurship” organised by the Dziennik Gazeta Prawna daily (DGP). This year, the lead theme in the DGP’s campaign was prospects for the Polish business and the potential for its development. Selena, which celebrates its 25th anniversary this year, has been contributing to the rapid growth of the construction chemistry sector in Poland and the world since early 1990s, offering innovative solutions adapted to the needs of diverse markets.


As part of the campaign “There is no future without entrepreneurship”, which runs throughout October, DGP touches upon significant issues connected with the outlook for development of the Polish economy, while allowing entrepreneurs to voice their opinions. In the globalised world, being successful in the home market is not enough. To remain competitive and build a critical mass to ward off competition, firms need to make inroads into foreign markets. Foreign expansion is a level achievable to any ambitious project provided that it has appropriate personnel, which is experienced in such processes and aware of both the underlying opportunities and threats. This is the strategy successfully being pursued by Selena Group.

– Selena is consistently striving to become a leader in many segments of the building materials sector in many global markets. In international expansion, which the Group has been successfully continuing since 2000, we bet on flexibility. Why? What works in the home market does not always guarantee success in other countries. For this reason, our company is trying to adapt its products to the needs of specific –local – user needs. On the other hand, innovation is embedded in our DNA. Our portfolio includes breakthrough solutions, some of which are absolutely unique in the sector. We introduce pioneering technologies and an innovative approach to the construction industry on a large scale in all the markets in which we operate – says Marta Ziobrowska, Corporate Communications Manager, Selena FM S.A., who received the award on behalf of the Supervisory Board Chairman Krzysztof Domarecki.

The award ceremony took place on 24 October in Ufficio Primo in Warsaw. The awards committee, which conferred awards in three categories: “Investment”, “Brand” and “Technology”, included: Paweł Borys, President of the Polish Development Fund; Robert Czarnecki, Head Office Director of the National Centre for Research and Development; Adam Góral, CEO of Asseco Poland; Stefan Kawalec, CEO of Capital Strategy; Krzysztof Obłój, lecturer at the Warsaw University as well as Krzysztof Jedlak, editor-in-chief of DGP, and Łukasz Wilkowicz, a DGP journalist.

To find out more about Selena’s innovations, go to

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