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Selena Group supports young Polish architects and engineers

Selena SA, a company from Selena Group – one of the leading producers and distributors of construction chemicals and owner […]

Selena SA, a company from Selena Group – one of the leading producers and distributors of construction chemicals and owner of the TYTAN brand – again supports young, talented architects and engineers. As a strategic partner for the 2018/2019 edition of the Builder For The Future project, attended by 10,000 people, Selena provides education on new technologies used in construction. Selena has made available its innovative solutions: COOL-R, the highly reflective roof coating and the specialist waterproof Tack-R membrane. Participating in the event were also other companies from the construction industry and Polish universities, including: the Wroclaw, Gdańsk and Kraków Universities of Technology.

The project has an educational purpose: to equip its participants with professional and practical skills and to enable them to actively participate in lectures, workshops and visits on construction sites. Many universities also stage Young Engineer Days and Young Architect Days.

“This programme is a ‘linking river’ – which is the title of one of the competition tasks for both engineers and architects. It allows relationships to be built within communities and gives students an opportunity to learn about modern technologies. In turn companies involved in the project can draw inspiration from young talents in the art of construction. Selena has been educating budding architects and engineers for many years”, says Paweł Burdziakowski, marketing director at Selena SA.

For many years, the company has sought to change the face of construction, not only with innovative products – such as COOL-R, entered for the competition – but also to support highly qualified personnel who in the future will create sustainable, low-energy and human-friendly construction.

Young Engineer Days and Young Architect Days 2019In each edition of the programme, young engineers and architects carry out competition tasks using their knowledge gained during learning, and apply in their projects specific solutions proposed by companies from the construction sector. Across Poland, the campaign is supported by mentors: outstanding Polish engineers and architects, who are jury members of the 4 Young Engineers and 4 Young Architects competitions. The jury is chaired by Professor Leonard Runkiewicz, Professor Ewa Kuryłowicz and Professor Maria Kaszyńska. The “Top 10 for the Future” ranking for the Faculties of Architecture and Construction is also a part of the programme.

The Builder For The Future is a social education programme, initiated in 2013 and run by the Builder monthly together with social partners. The aim of the programme is to support young architects and construction engineers in enhancing their education, expanding their professional, practical knowledge, skills and competencies – including teamwork and interdisciplinary work. The programme is implemented in cooperation with the most important industry and student organizations as well as with public and private universities. The programme’s strategic partners are the leading companies from the construction market, which support the programme in terms of organisation and expertise.

Selena’s professionalism and innovation as well as its high profile are regularly confirmed by industry awards conferred on the firm. In January 2019, for the seventh time, Selena SA received the Construction Company of the Year – this time for its activities in 2018. Quite importantly, in addition to trading performance, the award criteria included innovativeness of the products and services offered, reliability and stability of business and achievements vs. competitors. At the same time, Andrzej Ulfig, the CEO of Selena SA, was honoured with the Personality of the Year title, which is awarded to the most effective managers in the industry. The awards were granted by the Judging Panel chaired by Professor Leonard Runkiewicz.

„The dynamic development of the Builder For The Future programme would not have been possible without participation of the most eminent Polish architects and construction engineers, contribution from the world of business – including from partners such as Selena SA. This is our joint initiative, and the active participation of the top brand, the leader of innovative solutions for the construction sector, increases its quality, efficiency and attractiveness combined with a transfer of the existing knowledge of the latest building materials and technologies. This is invaluable help for young engineers and architects in delivery of future investments in the demanding and constantly growing construction market”, says Danuta Burzyńska, editor-in-chief of the Builder monthly.

Selena Group has been on the market for 27 years. It has over 30 companies in 16 countries and 17 production plants. Its success is underpinned by the work of nearly 1800 people, including 1100 employed in Poland. It is the only Polish brand in the construction chemicals sectors that sells products in 70 countries on four continents. Depending on the product group, Selena’s market share ranges from several percent to nearly forty percent. At present, Selena is one of the world’s three largest producers of polyurethane foam for construction.

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