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Selena Group launches a new biopolymer production system

Selena Group – one of the global leaders of the construction chemicals sector – has deployed a new line for […]

Otwarcie instalacji do produkcji biopolimerów Grupy Selena

Selena Group – one of the global leaders of the construction chemicals sector – has deployed a new line for the production of biopolymers. It will be used at the Selena Industrial Technologies plants in Nowa Ruda and Dzierżoniów to fabricate innovative plastics from natural components.

Selena Group was the leader of and the first large Polish company to coordinate an international consortium that in 2017 began one of the projects financed under the Horizon 2020 program (with funding managed by a public-private partnership: Circular Bio-based Europe Joint Undertaking). One of the initiatives funded by the program was the Biomotive project, carried out for more than four years by Selena’s research & development center and its 15 foreign partners. Among other things, the project led to the development of new formulations for biopolymers and enabled construction of a new system for their manufacture in Nowa Ruda and Dzierżoniów.

Since its very beginning, the company has focused on the creation and development of innovative solutions for construction that are easy to use, accelerate work on building sites and have a positive impact on the environment. In 2019, Selena launched its own research & development center in Dzierżoniów, whose specialists developed, inter alia, the WINS window installation system based on liquid foil, a product that significantly increases the energy efficiency of buildings. Today, after being incorporated into Selena Industrial Technologies, together with Orion and Libra plants, this central laboratory (formerly “Selena Labs”) is the leader of the Group’s globally integrated R&D operations.

“The launch of biopolymers production by Selena Industrial Technologies is an important step towards creating green and sustainable products. Marketing innovative products is one of the priorities of our business strategy. This is also a natural choice in favor of environmentally friendly-zero emission and pro-consumer solutions. For years now, Selena Group has put a high premium on projects advancing sustainable development goals, and recently we have established a dedicated department to ensure the application of the highest standards in this area at every level of our organization,” says Krzysztof Domarecki, the main shareholder of Selena Group.

Krzysztof Domarecki, główny akcjonariusz Grupy Selena
Krzysztof Domarecki, the main shareholder of Selena Group

The plants in Nowa Ruda and Dzierżoniów have been geared towards innovative solutions ever since their establishment. The plastics based on bio-renewable raw materials, which will be used to create eco-friendly assembly foams, foam adhesives and sealants for construction, have been developed and implemented by the R&D center. Only non-crop plants will be used in their production, i.e. plants that are not used by people for commercial purposes. The use of plant-based inputs significantly reduces CO2 emissions.

We attach great weight to cooperation with all research institutions and opinion-giving bodies, and we follow their recommendations. Every day we make sure our production is sustainable and climate-neutral, both in Poland and abroad, as we believe that this is the only way to safeguard the future of our planet,” says Piotr Janaszek, Branch Director at Selena Industrial Technologies.

Piotr Janaszek, Dyrektor Oddziału Selena Industrial Technologies
Piotr Janaszek, Branch Director at Selena Industrial Technologies

The new system is fully safe for the environment. The eco-friendly product will be manufactured at a specially modernized location, using technology that meets the stringent requirements.

The ceremonial commissioning of the biopolymer production line in Nowa Ruda took place on 12 April 2022 and was attended by, e.g. representatives of the Marshal’s Office of the Lower Silesian Voivodeship, the City Office of Nowa Ruda, and the management boards of Selena Group and several of its companies. All the invited guests could see the new line and learn about the manufacture of products from natural resources.

The new green products with high insulating properties will be shipped from Selena Industrial Technologies plants in Nowa Ruda and Dzierżoniów to all continents. According to the team of R&D experts, bioplastics will also be used by other industries in the future.

European Unions Horizon 2020 logo

This project has received funding from the Bio Based Industries Joint Undertaking under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 745766
This installation is part of a project that has received funding from the Bio Based Industries Joint Undertaking under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 745766

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