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Selena Group: Global Experience brand-building campaign

Selena Group – a Polish manufacturer of construction chemicals – is launching its brand-building campaign under the slogan “Global Experience”. […]

Selena Group – a Polish manufacturer of construction chemicals – is launching its brand-building campaign under the slogan “Global Experience”. The 7-week campaign will start on 5 June and will include a series of 30-second video materials, animations and photos. The activities will be carried out on Facebook, Linkedin and Youtube channels.

“Bearing in mind the future and development of Selena Group’s activity in Poland and abroad, we want to strengthen the awareness of the Selena brand in the environment in which it operates. This year we are starting from Poland. Various forms of effective and engaging communications with representatives of the construction industry, among others, are extremely important to us. They allow Selena to find about of the needs of the target audience, keep them up-to-speed about what the firm does, gain support for its activities and build trust, thus facilitating the execution of the firm’s mission and goals. We are building the image of Selena as an experienced international expert who successfully creates innovative solutions for users around the world. Selena’s success is founded on people with passion and unique expertise which helps our customers to operate more efficiently and faster, maintaining high quality and respecting the environment. The Global Experience campaign supports and complements the marketing activities of the Tytan Professional product brand addressed directly to end users”, says Ilona Gajewska, PR & Communication Executive Manager at the Selena Group.

The campaign was prepared by the corporate communication and PR department in cooperation with the digital department and the graphics department of Selena Group.

Selena Group has 17 production plants around the world and is present in 100 foreign markets. Selena Group is a global leader and distributor of construction chemicals and one of the four largest global producers of mounting foams for construction. The Group’s product range includes foams, sealants, adhesives, waterproofing products, insulation systems, fastenings and complementary products. The Group’s manufacturing plants are located in Poland, Brazil, South Korea, China, Romania, Turkey, Spain and Kazakhstan. With its international experience gained in diverse markets, Selena Group can grow fast as an innovative company that develops new solutions adapted to increasing users’ needs.

Selena Group closed 2019 with very good financial results – revenue exceeded PLN 1.3 billion, and net profit went up by 50%. The company’s sales increased in most markets in which it operates – more often than not the growth exceeded the GDP growth in individual countries, which means that the company performed better than the respective local markets. Such strong sales were achieved on the back of organic growth, a higher share of innovative products in sales and favourable raw material prices.

For several years now, Selena Group has been marketing modern construction chemistry solutions which lower CO2 emissions, ensure higher heat insulation and meet the requirements of the EU’s climate policy. The use of these products reduces the noise level and increases protection against high or low temperature in the building, which increases the comfort of the people living or working in it. When looking for appropriate solutions, both manufacturers of building materials and builders for whom these materials are intended should take into account three aspects:

 safety – for the people who will live or work in the buildings

• natural environment – in terms of direct contact by workers and inhabitants, but in a broader sense – in the context of environmental impact of the materials production process or the construction process, among other things

• construction efficiency – understood as the speed of development

The innovative solutions are developed by a team of R&D experts – Selena Labs, which is located in the Wałbrzych Special Economic Zone. Selena Labs is the first Polish company leading a project implemented by an international consortium under the Horizon 2020 programme. Under the EENSULATE project, Selena Group’s R&D Centre received a grant for developing and implementing a system of polyurethane foams and foam adhesives with advanced insulation properties. This is a part of Horizon 2020, the largest research and innovation funding programme in the history of the European Union, with a budget of nearly EUR 80 billion. In addition to EENSULATE, under Horizon 2020, Selena Labs participates in the BioMotive project (also part of Horizon 2020), which is designed to pave the ground towards the production and subsequent sale of components based on biorenewable, crop-based raw materials.

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