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Inauguration of House Selena joint venture in China

Selena Group – one of the leading producers and distributors of construction chemicals in the world – today held a ceremony […]

Selena Group – one of the leading producers and distributors of construction chemicals in the world – today held a ceremony to inaugurate its new joint venture in China – House Selena. The company was formed under the framework agreement from 21 December 2016 between Selena Nantong Building Materials Co. Ltd. and Shanghai Haozheng Construction Engineering Co. Ltd., a Chinese entity active in the market of polyurethane foams and other construction chemicals. The position of General Manager of House Selena was entrusted to Mr Liu Yongjun, who has extensive experience in the industry and knowledge of the demanding Chinese market.

The launching ceremony of House Selena took place in Nantong. The event was attended by 160 distributors from across China. During the first part of the event the activities of House Selena were officially initiated. Next, innovative products were presented: foam adhesives and mounting adhesives, which aroused a lot of interest from the attendees.

„Cooperation with such a reputable partner as Shanghai Haozheng Construction Engineering Co. Ltd. is an evidence of the huge trust that Selena Group has build up for itself in the challenging Chinese market. But this is also owed to Selena’s unique technology that is much in demand in China. China is a country characterised by tremendous potential and rapid growth, which makes it one of the key markets for all the businesses that desire to become major players on the international front. Cooperation with a partner that is well-known in the local market is bound to bring tangible benefits for both parties. These benefits include experience, know-how sharing and transfer of modern technology, an area where Selena has a lot to offer as a pioneer and leader in many construction chemicals segments world-wide” – said Krzysztof Domarecki, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Selena FM SA, parent company of Selena Group.

Artur Jarząb and Jacky Wong during the presentation of the innovative foam adhesives

The guests participating in the event had an opportunity to visit the modern production plant and see a presentation on the innovative foam adhesives, including TBM, Styro Fast Grab and the Tytan 60 Seconds adhesive. The presentation was conducted by managers: Artur Jarząb and Jacky Wong. Other products presented included Classic Fix, Heavy Duty and Gallop Fix mounting adhesives, and the PB-40 polyurethane adhesive. The launching ceremony and the presentation were topped off by gala dinner, combined with client presentations.

The purpose of the new House Selena joint venture will be to distribute and sell in China foams, silicones and mounting adhesives under the Tytan and Hauser brands, as well as under the Chinese brands owned by Selena Group and the Partner. The company will also implement on the Chinese market innovative construction chemicals based on the Group’s product portfolio.

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