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Business representatives at Wrocław Global Forum

It is the second time that Selena Group has sponsored Wrocław Global Forum, held by the city of Wrocław and […]

It is the second time that Selena Group has sponsored Wrocław Global Forum, held by the city of Wrocław and the Atlantic Council of the USA. Taking place 9-11 June 2011, the conference focused – among others – on strengthening translatlantic partnership and increasing the role Middle-European countries play in the global economy. The opening address was delivered by the Polish president Bronisław Komorowski.

Middle-European entrepreneurs – including the Polish as well – can take active part in the global processes and in building global economy. Wrocław Global Forum is an excellent opportunity for discussing vital aspects of the transatlantic cooperation and current events of global importance. Selena is a globallyoperating company originating from Wrocław; therefore the subjects addressed at the conference are close to us. What’s more, we are glad to support regional initiatives – even more so, when they can bring positive change to the Polish economy” – says Krzysztof Domarecki, the president of the management board of Selena FM.

This year’s edition of Wrocław Global Forum gathered more than a hundred representatives of global business and politics. The speakers included – among others – Herbert Wirth – the president of the management board of KGHM Polska Miedz SA, Polish Minister of Foreign Affairs – Radosław SIkorski, Deputy Secretary of Defence of the USA – Alexander Vershbow, former Minister of Defence of Latvia – Imants Liegis and the European Parliament representative – Ana Gomes.

Large Polish companies are the key to the economic strength of our country and the basis for its stance on the international arena. They create the environment for small and medium-sized companies to operate it. That’s why having an active development policy is so important not only to state-owned companies but to private ones as well. Such initiatives have been undertaken for a long time in many of the key EU countries, in Brazil, Russia and the USA as well. I hope Poland will follow their lead very shortly” – adds Krzysztof Domarecki.

This year’s Wrocław Global Forum discussed challenges brought forth by globalisation, transatlantic cooperation, democracy and the future of Belarus or the North-African revolutions. Moreover, prestigious Freedom Awards were presented during the gala hosted by the American ambassador to Poland, Lee A. Feinstein, and the Polish ambassador to the USA, Robert Kupiecki. This year’s Freedom awardees distinguished as special contributors to spreading freedom, civil rights and democracy, were – among others – the oppositionists from Belarus: Ales Byalyatski, Natalia Kaliada, Zhanna Litvina and the blogger, one of the founders of The April 6 Egyptian Youth Movement – Esraa Abdel Fattah. Polish Minister of Foreign Affairs, Radosław Sikorski, Moldovan Prime Minister Vladimir Filat and the former presidential candidate from the USA, senator John McCain were awarded as well for spreading transatlantic values.

Apart from the Selena Group, Wrocław Global Forum partners included, among others: the US Embassy to Poland, Polish Institute of International Affairs and the companies HP, Orlen, or 3M.

More detailed program of Wrocław Global Forum is available online:

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