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Selena Group on track towards sustainable development

Selena Group establishes a new sustainability department. It will be tasked with designing solutions for buildings that meet the strictest […]

Selena Group establishes a new sustainability department. It will be tasked with designing solutions for buildings that meet the strictest environmental requirements, such as LEED and BREEAM certification. In this way, the global producer and distributor of construction chemicals takes another step towards sustainable development.

The new department will deliver products and solutions for climate-neutral construction, while applying the highest standards of sustainable corporate development. Selena Group has the ambition to design solutions not only for energy-efficient and zero-emission buildings, but also for buildings with the highest and strictest environmental ratings, such as LEED Platinum and BREEAM Excellent. The department will be managed by Ewa Kosmala, who has an extensive background in the sustainable construction industry.

Since the inception of Selena Group, that is since 1992, we have been focusing on products and solutions that improve the energy efficiency of buildings. Over time, the social awareness and the way of speaking about this subject have evolved. But what remains unchanged is the fact that for 30 years now Selena has been delivering solutions that are today called sustainable. – says Ewa Kosmala, global sustainability director at Selena Group.

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One of the goals of the Sustainability Department for the coming years is to increase the sales of system solutions with the Environmental Product Declaration. Selena is also planning to develop environmental management systems at its factories based on ISO 14001 and 45001 standards.

Working on the sustainable development strategy for Selena Group is a real challenge for me. We want to ensure that sustainability is even strongly embedded in the activities of the entire organization, which is why are planning to implement the Global Program of Selena Group’s Sustainable Development Strategy in the short-term. We will also cooperate with international market leaders, including The Green Building Council, of which we are already a member at the national level in Poland and Romania. – Ewa Kosmala adds.

Ewa Kosmala, global sustainability director w Grupie Selena.
Ewa Kosmala, global sustainability director at Selena Group

Ewa Kosmala has been engaged in the sustainable construction industry for many years. She is an assessor of multi-criteria environmental assessment systems for buildings, including BREEAM, LEED GA and HQE. She was a member of the board of the Polish Green Building Council (PLGBC) for two terms of office. She participated in work on green public procurement for the thermal insulation industry at the Building Research Institute, as well as in the European Open House project, which prepared an open environmental assessment system for buildings. She co-authored the book “Zrównoważone budynki biurowe” (“Sustainable office buildings”), published by PWN and PLGBC.

Krzysztof Domarecki, główny akcjonariusz Grupy Selena oraz Alicja Kuczera, prezes PLGBC Polish Green Building Council
Krzysztof Domarecki, the main shareholder of Selena Group and Alicja Kuczera, CEO of PLGBC Polish Green Building Council

The establishment of the sustainability department is another milestone in the long-term strategy of Selena Group. Ever since its establishment, Selena has been consistently marketing products and solutions that increase the energy efficiency of buildings and improve the comfort of their use. In recent years, it has developed, among others, the COOL-R® waterproofing coating, which reduces air-conditioning costs by up to 25%, and the Tytan WINS insulation and window sealing system, which meets the most stringent requirements for zero-energy buildings. At the beginning of 2022, the Group also launched a new company – Selena ESG, which offers complete energy roofs with photovoltaics, waterproofing and fall protection for industry and logistics.

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