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Selena FM S.A. to represent Poland in the European Business Awards competition

The European Business Awards sponsored by HSBC has announced that Selena FM S.A. is to represent Poland in the prestigious […]

The European Business Awards sponsored by HSBC has announced that Selena FM S.A. is to represent Poland in the prestigious 2010 Awards programme. Selena has been selected as one of 25 Country Representatives and will now compete for a coveted Ruban d’Honneur in the next round of the competition. Final category Award winners will be unveiled in Paris on 16th November.

The European Business Awards is dedicated to raising the visibility and progress of companies who excel in delivering innovation twinned with successful commercial results whilst acting responsibly and positively affecting the social environment they operate in. In 2009, the 99 Ruban d’Honneur recipients had a combined turnover greater than €570 billion and recorded an average annual profit growth of 56%.

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