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Selena: QUILOSA – 75 years in the Iberian market

Spanish brand QUILOSA, present in the market for 75 years and a member of the Selena Group, is launching new innovative […]

Spanish brand QUILOSA, present in the market for 75 years and a member of the Selena Group, is launching new innovative products. QUILOSA product range was recently extended by: Aquaprotect liquid MS silicone, Betamex instant adhesive and new Orbafoam polyurethane foams.

Industrias Quimicas Löwenberg (Quilosa) joined the Selena Group in 2009 when Selena aquired the Iberian leading manufacturer of adhesives and sealants. The company, established in 1940, with a manufacturing plant in Quer, Spain is celabrating this year the 75 anniversary of its QUILOSA label.

„QUILOSA – present in the market since 1940 – is one of the Iberian leaders in sealants, and adhesives and for the past several years has been systematically extending its product range by further product groups featured in the broader Selena Group portfolio worldwide. The brand has earned high recognition and customer trust thanks to premium quality and flexibility in recognizing customer needs for 75 years. Despite the recent difficult several years for the Iberian market QUILOSA Selena Iberia, thanks to steady focus on the strategy, is improving the results and extending the product range by new, innovative solutions. It can be seen in the recently introduced product noveltlies such as Aquaprotect waterproofing products or Betamex adhesive” – said Jarosław Michniuk, Selena CEO.

Among QUILOSA’s is launching first synthetic polyvinyl acetate adhesive in the 1950s, Bunitex shoe adhesives a decade later and silicone sealants over the next ten years. In 1992 the brand was first to launch MS sealants in Europe and later polyurethane foams and hotmelt adhesives.

Recently QUILOSA portfolio has extended, among others, by:

Linia Aquaprotect


+ Aquaprotect, product line including Silicona MS Liquida – flexible waterproofing roof coating, based on a special hybrid resin which guarantees high adhesion to different substrates and allows for using the product also on wet surfaces. Aquaprotect is perfect for sealing and repairing cracks.

Linia Betamex

+ Betamex instant adhesive, highly-resistant, based on a new cyanoacrylate technology. The product is flexible and universal and can be used with all kinds of materials making them more resistant to cracking ant vibrations.

Linia Orbafoam

+ Orbafoam new polyurethane foam, whose structure is more dense and regular compared to competitor products, which in turn makes it perfect for filling holes, cracks and ridges in construction, but also for insulating, sealing and fitting all kinds of supports, windows, walls or doors.


The newest products were presented at the gala celebrating 75th anniversary of QUILOSA, where the Selena Group executives were present as well. The event was a good opportunity for summing up the to date achievements and goals for the future.

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