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Selena – an answer for today’s and future’s challenges of Turkish construction sector customers

For the past 25 years, Selena has been changing the construction industry by introducing its innovative products & systems. In […]

For the past 25 years, Selena has been changing the construction industry by introducing its innovative products & systems. In accordance with market needs company is focused on solutions that can fundamentally revolutionize the way of building and support building owners in acheving vast energy and cost savings. Increasing its global competitiveness with modern technologies, as well as user and environment friendly products, Selena Turkey provides answers for today’s and future’s challenges of Turkish construction sector customers.

Selena Group, working to create better building performance – with 30 companies, 17 production plants, sales to over 70 countries and 1800 employees all over the World, celebrates its 25th Anniversary with a series of events, one of which took place at the end of August in Istanbul. During press conference Selena Mamangement Board members: Marcin Macewicz – Vice President for Sales & Marketing and Agata Gładysz – Development Director, as well as top management members: Michal Specjalski, Group Marketing Director and İrfan Çetindamar, General Manager of Selena Turkey presenated: history and strategy of the Group, key innovations created by Selena’s R&D centers and comercionalized on many markets all around the world, as well as the unique role of the local company in Turkey in providing most advanced solutions for professional and private users in the country.

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„Selena entered the Turkish market by buying Polyfoam in 2008 and reached a market share of 16 percent within a short period of time. Turkey is a country with young and open-minded population, looking for innovations and break through solutions.This is a source of success for Turkey and great opportunity for our company. Therefore the succes of Selena – world leader of innovation for construction sector with 25 years golbal experience – is inevitable” – said İrfan Çetindamar, General Manager of Selena Turkey

Management Board Memebers from Headquater in Poland in reply emphasised that the success of Selena’s Group could not be achieved if it wasn’t for the local teams.

“People in all our companies confirm their dedication, knowledge, professionalism on a daily basis and they are also the ones closest to all our clients and partners. Selena Group’s global succes could not happen if it wasn’t for our local “heroes” i.e. from Turkey – country that has ever growing potential, where goverment programs ensure support for renovation projects connected with earthquake risk and investments in thermal insulation for old and new buildings are compulsory. One of the consequences of a great role of Turkish market in our Group’s development startegy is expansion of the Bolu Factory from 5.000m2 to 10.000m2 in 2015” – said Mr. Marcin Macewicz Vice President of the Management Board for Sales & Marketing

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The event of 25th anniversary was also the occasion for presenting the most recent additions to the Group’s product portfolio, first of which is highly innovative roof technology – COOL-R and second – new category of modern adhesives coming in the form of foam – known as FOAD. These revolutionary products, developped from modern application approach of the company, will soon change the world of construction as we know it today.

First example of innovative product implemented already on the Turkish market is COOL-R – highly reflective, waterproofing coating that effectively reduces roof temperature, helping to reduce the temperature inside the building. The solution contributes immensely to providing a more comfortable internal climate, without the intense use of air conditioning i.e. in warehouses, production plants, hypermarkets, storage facilities. The technology is also very effective in buildings with no air conditioning such as animal farms. The COOL-R coating helps reduce roof temperature almost instantly by nearly 70%, with a concurrent decrease of internal temperature by even 10°C. As COOL-R ensures full waterproofing of the roof, it also protects and mitigates the process of aging of the structure itself. Selena’s product also has a very long durability and retains its properties for more than 10 years. COOL-R is the confirmation for the company’s responsible and effective approach to the EU guidelines regarding implementation of solutions that support sustainable construction. The technology developed by Selena Group is another proof of the company’s vast potential, built on the basis of 25 years’ experience and a strong scientific back-up of laboratories located in Poland, China, Spain and also in Turkey.

“The need to ensure cooling for the roof surface and consequently to improve thermal comfort inside the buildings – without exceeded consumption of energy – is recognised by many regions across the world. Pioneering solutions, such as COOL-R, consolidate Selena Group’s position as a leader in delivering advanced technology to the construction chemicals market. The Group’s strategy of robust development of its research function now bears fruit in the form of unique products – including the mentioned roof coating – which respond to the real needs in construction.” adds Mr. Marcin Macewicz

Selena’s implementation of solutions that are unique and revolutionary finds its confirmation also with FOAM ADHESIVE (FOAD) line.

“The polyurethane foam adhesives are great solutions for modern building. Selena’s R&D experts have focused their efforts on the key features: speed of work, bonding strength, durability of solution and ease of application, so that the products from this line would help keep the related costs down and avoid repeatable repairs. At the same time the features improve user’s comfort by enabling replacement of the traditional mortars and other adhesive technologies with the easy-to-apply and high-yield foam adhesives. We design these solutions in such a way that they meet the expectations and needs of both applicators and investors, whether individual or institutional, in line with current trends and regulations in the areas of energy saving, safety, eco & user friendly.” – stated Agata Gładysz, Management Board Member and Development Director.

“Selena’s goal is to help develop long-lasting and energy-efficient buildings and to contribute to building of more robust, depression-resistant buildings by commercializing our innovative products – adds İrfan Cetindamar. – Selena’s strongest product group in Turkey is polyurethane foam. In this category we see our core competence. Fort Selena Group Turkey is a country with vast potential due to its strategic position. From here the Group is realizing its activities in Turkey, the Middle East, North Africa and the Turkic Republics. Moreover, every year, the construction sector in Turkey is growing twice than the previous year. The reason for this growth is the “urban transformation”, supported by the government, showing that this development will continue for many years. This also ensures the growth of Selena on the local market.– he sums up.

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