To create another 300 large companies with a turnover of at least PLN 1 billion is a guiding idea for […]
To create another 300 large companies with a turnover of at least PLN 1 billion is a guiding idea for the activities which will strengthen the position of the Polish economy on the international stage. “This responsibility rests with entrepreneurs”, says Krzysztof Domarecki, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Selena Group and founder of the Fidiasz Fund, this year’s winner of the Vector 2017 award. Each year, this award goes to personalities from the world of business, politics, culture and media, whose activities contribute to elaboration of a catalogue of good practices for development of Polish business. This year, the Super Vector award went to Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki.
“We would all like to see a stronger impact of the Polish vector on European affairs, and would like our voice, frequently reasonable, to be taken into account. As an entrepreneur who has been active in the European market for a long time, I’ve noticed that the level of strength of our domestic business is our main deficit. Already at the beginning of this decade, together with a consulting company, we conducted research on the condition of the Polish economy. To ensure that the vector of our operations is more potent on the international stage, Poland needs about 300 large enterprises with a turnover of minimum PLN 1 billion. The responsibility for creating those enterprises rests with entrepreneurs”, said Krzysztof Domarecki, the founder and Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Selena Group, one of the global leaders in the construction chemicals industry, and the originator and founder of the closed-end Fidiasz Fund, which provides expert and financial support to fin-tech start-ups.
“Admittedly, the government can support such processes but will not do it for us. For this reason, I encourage my colleague entrepreneurs, especially those who have already achieved market success, to try and use their experience and invest in yet another company with a potential to generate a turnover of PLN 1 billion a year. If over the next 10–15 years we manage to build another 300 large Polish companies, then as a natural consequence the Polish vector will need to be considered to a higher degree in the process of shaping European policies, and representatives of our state administration will find it easier to cater for Polish interests. Having said that, my colleague entrepreneurs, the vector 300 mission is on!”, Krzysztof Domarecki said ending his speech at the 2017 Vector Awards Gala in the Zamoyski Palace.
The awards of the Employers of Poland, Poland’s largest and oldest organisation of employers, were conferred to 11 winners: personalities and institutions which had outstanding achievements or made a particular contribution to the development of the Polish economy last year. This year, the Super Vector statuette went to Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki “first for outlining the strategy – the Responsible Development Strategy – and then for persuading political players to implement it. And for ensuring a rightful place in the strategy for entrepreneurs, without whom Poland’s development would be just impossible”, the Employers of Poland wrote in the justification for the award. In addition to Krzysztof Domarecki, other winners of the Vector awards were: Provident; Wojciech Faszczewski – CEO of PEPEES; Igor Klaja – CEO of OTCF; Norbert Rethmann, Rafał Holanowski – CEO of Supra Brokers; Paweł Gos – CEO of Exact Systems; International Road Carrier Association in Poland; Association of employers “Employers of the Pomerania and Kujawy Region”; as well as Polsat Television and LUX MED Sp. z o.o. for the 25 years of their activity.